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Prayer Service

We start our day in Morning Assembly as our entire community gathers for prayer. We ask our Blessed Mother Mary to pray for us in our school prayer. Students also participate in special prayer services throughout the liturgical year including the Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary, Thanksgiving, Advent, Our Lady of Guadalupe, Christmas, Lent, Holy Thursday, Easter, and the May Crowning of Mary. Our Rosary Club meets every Wednesday at 3:15 at St. Joseph's to pray the Rosary for World Peace.

Notre Dame School Prayer
O Lord bless our school, Notre Dame
We honor Our Lady, Mary, the Mother of Jesus
Help us to make our school a happy and peaceful place,
Help us to make it a school full of love for others:
Let us remember that as we learn, play, and grow together,
You are with us in all we do.